Pavement Ants

Pavement ants can be a nuisance in virtually every state when they emerge from their ground nests and enter homes in search of food. They’re called “pavement ants” because they tend to live beneath areas such as cellar slabs, driveways, brick or stone patios, sidewalks, as well as in and under organic hiding places, such as logs and in mulch.

The nests of Pavement ants can be easily identified – they tend to push up little mounds of sand and soil as they excavate their tunnels. Often times you’ll notice these mounds of sand and dirt between cracks in the pavement and patio blocks. A typical pavement ant colony has between 3000 and 5000 ants, while a large colony could harbor as many as several tens of thousands of pavement ants.

In addition to identifying pavement ants by their distinctive mounds of sand and soil, you can differentiate them from other common ants such as carpenter ants by their brownish-black color and tiny size – often no more than 1/10 to 1/16 of an inch in length. Pavement ant legs and antennae tend to be pale-colored and if you look at them under a magnifying glass, you’ll notice their antennae have twelve segments and there are parallel lines on the head and body, or thorax.

Pavement ants are sometimes mistaken for termites, but they do look different – pavement ants have a narrow waist, while termites have a uniformly thicker body and are much larger. Also, termites have straight antennae while pavement ants have antennae that are “elbowed.”

If you suspect you have pavement ants, keep in mind that these colonies can be very difficult to locate and often times even harder to eliminate. You may want to consider contacting Safetech Pest Control who have licensed technicians and many years of hands on experience. Safetech Pest Control experts can quickly determine if pavement ant colonies are present and can eliminate your pavement ant problem quickly and efficiently.

Pharao Ants

The name pharaoh was given to this little ant under the false belief that it had been responsible for one of the plagues of Egypt during the reign of the pharaohs.

Pharaoh ants are amongst the smallest ants; workers are around 1/16-inch long.  Their color varies from yellow to reddish, with a slightly darker abdomen. They are a 2-node ant. Pharaoh ant colonies are large, reaching up to as many as 300,000 individuals and several queens. Queens are about 1/8 inch in length and are darker in color than the workers, they may or may not have wings. Unlike most ants they breed continuously throughout the year.  This ant prefers a warm, humid environment. Nests can be found in wall voids, under floorboards, in furniture, behind baseboards and window moldings, behind appliances, boxes and expansion joints in slabs. We found a nest of Pharaoh ants in the layers of tissues in a tissue box at a hotel.

Pharaoh ants forage long distances and establish scent trails. They feed on a variety of foods, including sweets, greases, meats, fruits and dead insects. Carbohydrates are the main requirement for workers; however, queen and larvae require larger amounts of protein for egg production and development.

Ants will be found near moisture and food sources, so eliminating available food and water will help discourage ants. Only about 5% of a pharaoh ant colony’s workers are out foraging for food at any one time. These ants are very sensitive to cleaning products and pesticides and will split the colony to move away from danger (called budding). These ants are best treated with baits and a baiting program may be needed

If you suspect you have pharao ants, keep in mind that these colonies can be very difficult to locate and often times even harder to eliminate. You may want to consider contacting Safetech Pest Control who have licensed technicians and many years of hands on experience


Rats are one of the first creatures that people envision when you mention rodents. Rats are often found in and around farms, gardens, open fields and even homes and other buildings. It’s essential to your safety to recognize when you should seek rat management services because rats can have a hugely destructive impact on their environments. If you observe rats in your garden, yard or other landscaping, it’s very likely that they will soon invade your home. Rats are an incredibly invasive species.

Rats are active throughout the entire year, so it is important to take notice of rat problem symptoms so that you can address the issue immediately. Not only will  rats seek out any sources of food to devour, but they also contaminate anything left uneaten. Much like mice, rats can do significant damage to your home and belongings because they gnaw on wood; however, the tooth marks left by rats are much larger. Baby rats are often mistaken for mice, but don’t be deceived! By ignoring a rat infestation, you are risking serious structural damage to your property, which can create hazardous living conditions and rack up a huge repair bill.

In addition to property damage, rats can threaten the well-being of people and animals. Even rats can transmit disease and parasites easily. In fact, most believe that the Black Plague in medieval times spread like rapid-fire due to rats and their fleas. That should serve as warning enough that rats are trouble! Even if you probably won’t contract the Black Plague, you should protect yourself from any other potential health problems that can be caused by rats.

If you have any questions about rat management, call us at Safetech Pest Control immediately! Don’t delay! We are a team of highly experienced pest control experts and we would love to help restore peace to your home, business, or other property.

Moles and Voles

Moles are insectivores that feed on insects, grubs, and mainly earthworms. Moles are underground dwellers.


Voles are vegetarians that mainly feed on berry bearing trees, shrubs, and birdfeeder droppings. Voles will leave runs on the surface of the grass areas and sometimes dig tunnels.

If open-end tunnels are witnessed you may have voles rather than moles. Voles are treated differently with grain baits. Our technicians will determine which animal it may be and bait appropriately.

We offer a mole control baiting. However, due to the unpredictable outcome of baiting, and due to the moles feeding habits, we are unable to offer any warranty on this service. It has about a 70% success rate. Our price will vary with town. (Labor & Material) One trip is usually all that is required unless there are multiple moles or there is continues pressure from wooded areas surrounding the property.  Multiple trips to the property to re- bait will cost half price if desired. Safetech Pest Control offers price protection contracts for high-pressured properties.

After ten (10) days rake out dirt mounds. To determining results, look for new activity. Please call and schedule your half price visit if any activity is found.

Please keep all children and pets out of treated area during this period.

Contact us today or call us at 3063512881 for your free estimate with on-site analysis (our price is based on square footage).

Little Black Ants

Little black ants may pop up in your kitchen at any time and the will swarm from June to August, during which time they forage in trails and are frequently seen along sidewalks and foundations.

These small black ants will feed on other insects, honeydew, grease, oil, meats, fruits, and vegetables materials such as corn meal and sweets.

Little black ants are commonly found in wooded areas. In yards, they nest under rocks, in rotting logs, and under piles of bricks or lumber. Indoors, nests are located in woodwork, wall voids, decaying wood, behind insulation and other hidden areas.

These ants do have a stinger, but due to its small size it is not strong enough to cause any real damage. Regular pest preventative sprays can help keep these ants from getting into your home.

Homeowners should seal all cracks and crevices found along the foundation with a silicone-based caulk, ensure firewood is stored at least 20 feet away from the home, and keep shrubbery from touching your foundation and siding.  Baiting for these ants can help you trace where the nest is located.


The Indian meal moth is one of the more common moths infesting stored grains and grain products. The larval stage causes the damage and contaminates our food. Larvae feed on flour and meal products, dried fruits, cereals, nuts, bird food, and dried pet foods. As the larva feeds it spins a web, leaving behind a silken thread wherever it crawls. The larvae can chew through the plastic packaging you would find cereal and other products in so it is important to check new products when an infestation is discovered.

Many times an infestation is noticed when moths are seen flying around the home in the evening. They are attracted to lights and often appear in front of the television screen, near nightlights or around large windows.

In many cases a thorough clean-up will control these insects. The use of a pheromone sticky trap can help to catch flying male moths and reduce the numbers of adult moths and slow the breeding. In difficult cases that have gone unnoticed, pesticides may be necessary.

  1. Carefully inspect any susceptible foods that might have been exposed to the insect or to infested material.  Pay particular attention to birdseed, dog, cat, and other pet foods.  These materials are frequently the source of an infestation.  Insects may be found in food packaged in cardboard, plastic bags and paper-wrapped products which have not been opened.  Destroy all infested packages and materials.  If the source is not found in the kitchen or pantry, check closets, drawers, and areas where decorative items made from nuts, corn and various grains and seeds. There is no satisfactory method to separate the insects from flour or meal.
  2. Remove all food containers and utensils from the infested area and clean all the shelf and counter surfaces thoroughly, first with a vacuum cleaner and then with water and soap.  Pay particular attention to cracks and corners where bits of food (flour, dust, spices) may have accumulated.
  3. Whenever possible, construct storage units so they are tight and so they can be cleaned easily. Keep storage units dry, because dryness discourages the development of pantry pests.
  4. Make it a point to go through your food pantry at least once per year to inspect for moth activity and check expiration dates.

Long term storage of flour and meal products often leads to infestation; therefore, such products should be purchased in smaller quantities or kept in the refrigerator.


Most carpet beetles can fly and as such are good candidates to infest homes from spring through the early fall. Infestations can be brought into homes and businesses in already infested products. The larvae will feed on a wide variety of sources such as: dried pet food, museum specimens, hides, dried fish, feathers, felt, lint/hair in return-air ducts, dead insects, dried carcasses, seeds, grains, cereals, woolen rugs/clothing, silk, furs velvet, spices, bee/wasp nests, horn, corn meal, fish meal, old mouse baits, dead insects and many others  numerous to mention.

Successful control depends on locating the source of the infestation and removing it. If you find the infested material, either clean it or place in a sealed bag and throw it away.

A thorough vacuuming is always recommended to physically remove as many as possible and please remember to remove the vacuum bag or empty the canister when you are done. If it is clothing that is infested, 20 minutes in the dryer will remove and kill any stages of the insect.  If food is found to be infested throw out the infested material and vacuum out the cabinet where they were found.

In severe cases, professional spraying must be performed to get rid of them permanently.

Sensitivity to the Larva

Various reports describe, what appears to be an acquired allergic reaction to carpet beetle larval hairs.

These hypersensitivity reactions are characterized by complaints of being bitten by something causing an intense itching and rash. It is thought that only individuals that have long-term exposure (years) to these hairs become sensitized.


Bat removal might sound funny to some people, but to others it’s no joke. Bat control can be a serious problem and it takes experienced professionals in bat exclusion – to take care of such a problem efficiently and effectively.

Bats are very common and are very beneficial when it comes to controlling mosquitoes. Because insects often breed in water – especially mosquitoes — homes near lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water are likely to see more bats in the general area. Fortunately, Safetech Pest Control is one of the leading bat exclusion professionals.

Bat control and bat exclusion starts with preventing bats from entering your home. Make sure all windows have screens, even small ones that you think aren’t important. Bats have a way of finding their way into a building and it’s surprising how small of an opening they can use. Even pencil eraser sized openings are a potential entry point for these flying rodents, especially near your roofline. Finding bat droppings is a good sign that you have a bat problem and it’s important to take steps for bat exclusion immediately.

Bats are a high risk source of obtaining rabies and viruses can easily be contracted from touching or breathing in their guano. Both can lead to serious health issues. So if you find bats in your home, make sure they have not come into contact with any people or animals. Don’t hesitate to begin bat removal and bat exclusion by contacting a licensed pest control specialist at Safetech.

Bat extermination is not recommended as a first line of defense, as there are humane ways to evict them and keep in mind that they are environmentally-friendly allies in our fight against disease-carrying insects such as mosquitoes. Keep an eye out for their entrances, which must be sealed. After the exclusion work is performed, providing an external bat control alternative, such as hanging a bat box outdoors, is a good way to help sustain this beneficial animal.

If you have any questions about bat control, bat removal, or even bat exclusion, contact the bat control experts @ Safetech Pest Control.


Squirrels can be nuisance to homeowners & businesses, by frequently using homes and other buildings as nesting areas. The most common of nuisance squirrels is the Eastern Grey Squirrel, which loves to chew its way into attics and roof soffits, build a nest to raise their young, and store their nuts and seeds for supplemental food supplies to help them overwinter.

Eastern Grey Squirrels are typically 16-18 inches long and weigh about a pound. They’re active year-round, with two peak breeding times, summer and winter. Because they’re accustomed to humans, they can see your home as their own home too. Squirrels will happily establish their home in your home where they can become a significant contributor to a potential fire hazard. Squirrels bring in dry nesting material in love to gnaw & chew through electrical wiring while attempting to file down their teeth.  Exposed wiring can easily spark and start a fire. Fire hazards aren’t the only risk nuisance squirrels cause. They also pose a health threat to humans by way of the urine and feces which they leave behind; and to add insult to injury, it also smells bad and attracts other squirrels. In many cases, it’s a good idea to have your attic decontaminated if it’s evident squirrels have taken up residency there. Salmonella Infection is a very significant concern when you enter into an area where squirrel urine and feces is evident. It is also very possible that you may fall victim to other significant health risks and diseases spread by the fleas and ticks brought in by squirrels. When fleas and ticks fall off or detach from a squirrel, humans now become possible hosts for these insects which can carry lime disease, cat-scratch fever, typhus, plague, Babesiosis,  Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis,to name a few.

Squirrels have a tendency to get trapped between walls, fall down chimney flues, and pop out of fireplaces. If trapped within a wall or fireplace and unfortunately dies, deceased squirrels can cause a significant odder when decomposing along with attracting and being the food source for flies and other types of Insects.

If you suspect you have squirrels taking up residence in your home, it’s important to have wildlife removal professionals such as Safetech Pest Control take care of the problem. Safetech provides safe and effective removal of squirrels. They use only the latest, most effective, and humane squirrel removal techniques to ensure your squirrel problem is taken care of properly the first time.


Spiders can be a nuisance, much like other common pests, and spider control is likely not something you want to go at alone. Our spider control specialists can be sure to eliminate the poisonous ones from inside your house so you can rest assured your family and home is safe and protected.

How To Get Rid Of Spiders

Spiders are usually associated with our fear of creepy, crawly things. There have been many books written, movies produced, and songs recorded about spiders, usually in a way that builds upon our fear of them.


The majority of spiders do not bother people and it’s not common for people to be bitten by them.  However, they are unpleasant to look at and their webs can cause a mess if they infest your home or business. We use spider control solutions that are comprehensive and safe so the good times go uninterrupted by these nasty, creepy crawly things.


Our specialists can help you identify an infestation before it gets out of hand and rid your house of spiders. Contact us and learn how Safetech’s Pest Prevention Programs can help eliminate poisonous spiders, like the brown recluse and from your home.