Little Black Ants

Little black ants may pop up in your kitchen at any time and the will swarm from June to August, during which time they forage in trails and are frequently seen along sidewalks and foundations.

These small black ants will feed on other insects, honeydew, grease, oil, meats, fruits, and vegetables materials such as corn meal and sweets.

Little black ants are commonly found in wooded areas. In yards, they nest under rocks, in rotting logs, and under piles of bricks or lumber. Indoors, nests are located in woodwork, wall voids, decaying wood, behind insulation and other hidden areas.

These ants do have a stinger, but due to its small size it is not strong enough to cause any real damage. Regular pest preventative sprays can help keep these ants from getting into your home.

Homeowners should seal all cracks and crevices found along the foundation with a silicone-based caulk, ensure firewood is stored at least 20 feet away from the home, and keep shrubbery from touching your foundation and siding.  Baiting for these ants can help you trace where the nest is located.


The Indian meal moth is one of the more common moths infesting stored grains and grain products. The larval stage causes the damage and contaminates our food. Larvae feed on flour and meal products, dried fruits, cereals, nuts, bird food, and dried pet foods. As the larva feeds it spins a web, leaving behind a silken thread wherever it crawls. The larvae can chew through the plastic packaging you would find cereal and other products in so it is important to check new products when an infestation is discovered.

Many times an infestation is noticed when moths are seen flying around the home in the evening. They are attracted to lights and often appear in front of the television screen, near nightlights or around large windows.

In many cases a thorough clean-up will control these insects. The use of a pheromone sticky trap can help to catch flying male moths and reduce the numbers of adult moths and slow the breeding. In difficult cases that have gone unnoticed, pesticides may be necessary.

  1. Carefully inspect any susceptible foods that might have been exposed to the insect or to infested material.  Pay particular attention to birdseed, dog, cat, and other pet foods.  These materials are frequently the source of an infestation.  Insects may be found in food packaged in cardboard, plastic bags and paper-wrapped products which have not been opened.  Destroy all infested packages and materials.  If the source is not found in the kitchen or pantry, check closets, drawers, and areas where decorative items made from nuts, corn and various grains and seeds. There is no satisfactory method to separate the insects from flour or meal.
  2. Remove all food containers and utensils from the infested area and clean all the shelf and counter surfaces thoroughly, first with a vacuum cleaner and then with water and soap.  Pay particular attention to cracks and corners where bits of food (flour, dust, spices) may have accumulated.
  3. Whenever possible, construct storage units so they are tight and so they can be cleaned easily. Keep storage units dry, because dryness discourages the development of pantry pests.
  4. Make it a point to go through your food pantry at least once per year to inspect for moth activity and check expiration dates.

Long term storage of flour and meal products often leads to infestation; therefore, such products should be purchased in smaller quantities or kept in the refrigerator.


Most carpet beetles can fly and as such are good candidates to infest homes from spring through the early fall. Infestations can be brought into homes and businesses in already infested products. The larvae will feed on a wide variety of sources such as: dried pet food, museum specimens, hides, dried fish, feathers, felt, lint/hair in return-air ducts, dead insects, dried carcasses, seeds, grains, cereals, woolen rugs/clothing, silk, furs velvet, spices, bee/wasp nests, horn, corn meal, fish meal, old mouse baits, dead insects and many others  numerous to mention.

Successful control depends on locating the source of the infestation and removing it. If you find the infested material, either clean it or place in a sealed bag and throw it away.

A thorough vacuuming is always recommended to physically remove as many as possible and please remember to remove the vacuum bag or empty the canister when you are done. If it is clothing that is infested, 20 minutes in the dryer will remove and kill any stages of the insect.  If food is found to be infested throw out the infested material and vacuum out the cabinet where they were found.

In severe cases, professional spraying must be performed to get rid of them permanently.

Sensitivity to the Larva

Various reports describe, what appears to be an acquired allergic reaction to carpet beetle larval hairs.

These hypersensitivity reactions are characterized by complaints of being bitten by something causing an intense itching and rash. It is thought that only individuals that have long-term exposure (years) to these hairs become sensitized.


Bat removal might sound funny to some people, but to others it’s no joke. Bat control can be a serious problem and it takes experienced professionals in bat exclusion – to take care of such a problem efficiently and effectively.

Bats are very common and are very beneficial when it comes to controlling mosquitoes. Because insects often breed in water – especially mosquitoes — homes near lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water are likely to see more bats in the general area. Fortunately, Safetech Pest Control is one of the leading bat exclusion professionals.

Bat control and bat exclusion starts with preventing bats from entering your home. Make sure all windows have screens, even small ones that you think aren’t important. Bats have a way of finding their way into a building and it’s surprising how small of an opening they can use. Even pencil eraser sized openings are a potential entry point for these flying rodents, especially near your roofline. Finding bat droppings is a good sign that you have a bat problem and it’s important to take steps for bat exclusion immediately.

Bats are a high risk source of obtaining rabies and viruses can easily be contracted from touching or breathing in their guano. Both can lead to serious health issues. So if you find bats in your home, make sure they have not come into contact with any people or animals. Don’t hesitate to begin bat removal and bat exclusion by contacting a licensed pest control specialist at Safetech.

Bat extermination is not recommended as a first line of defense, as there are humane ways to evict them and keep in mind that they are environmentally-friendly allies in our fight against disease-carrying insects such as mosquitoes. Keep an eye out for their entrances, which must be sealed. After the exclusion work is performed, providing an external bat control alternative, such as hanging a bat box outdoors, is a good way to help sustain this beneficial animal.

If you have any questions about bat control, bat removal, or even bat exclusion, contact the bat control experts @ Safetech Pest Control.


Squirrels can be nuisance to homeowners & businesses, by frequently using homes and other buildings as nesting areas. The most common of nuisance squirrels is the Eastern Grey Squirrel, which loves to chew its way into attics and roof soffits, build a nest to raise their young, and store their nuts and seeds for supplemental food supplies to help them overwinter.

Eastern Grey Squirrels are typically 16-18 inches long and weigh about a pound. They’re active year-round, with two peak breeding times, summer and winter. Because they’re accustomed to humans, they can see your home as their own home too. Squirrels will happily establish their home in your home where they can become a significant contributor to a potential fire hazard. Squirrels bring in dry nesting material in love to gnaw & chew through electrical wiring while attempting to file down their teeth.  Exposed wiring can easily spark and start a fire. Fire hazards aren’t the only risk nuisance squirrels cause. They also pose a health threat to humans by way of the urine and feces which they leave behind; and to add insult to injury, it also smells bad and attracts other squirrels. In many cases, it’s a good idea to have your attic decontaminated if it’s evident squirrels have taken up residency there. Salmonella Infection is a very significant concern when you enter into an area where squirrel urine and feces is evident. It is also very possible that you may fall victim to other significant health risks and diseases spread by the fleas and ticks brought in by squirrels. When fleas and ticks fall off or detach from a squirrel, humans now become possible hosts for these insects which can carry lime disease, cat-scratch fever, typhus, plague, Babesiosis,  Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis,to name a few.

Squirrels have a tendency to get trapped between walls, fall down chimney flues, and pop out of fireplaces. If trapped within a wall or fireplace and unfortunately dies, deceased squirrels can cause a significant odder when decomposing along with attracting and being the food source for flies and other types of Insects.

If you suspect you have squirrels taking up residence in your home, it’s important to have wildlife removal professionals such as Safetech Pest Control take care of the problem. Safetech provides safe and effective removal of squirrels. They use only the latest, most effective, and humane squirrel removal techniques to ensure your squirrel problem is taken care of properly the first time.


Spiders can be a nuisance, much like other common pests, and spider control is likely not something you want to go at alone. Our spider control specialists can be sure to eliminate the poisonous ones from inside your house so you can rest assured your family and home is safe and protected.

How To Get Rid Of Spiders

Spiders are usually associated with our fear of creepy, crawly things. There have been many books written, movies produced, and songs recorded about spiders, usually in a way that builds upon our fear of them.


The majority of spiders do not bother people and it’s not common for people to be bitten by them.  However, they are unpleasant to look at and their webs can cause a mess if they infest your home or business. We use spider control solutions that are comprehensive and safe so the good times go uninterrupted by these nasty, creepy crawly things.


Our specialists can help you identify an infestation before it gets out of hand and rid your house of spiders. Contact us and learn how Safetech’s Pest Prevention Programs can help eliminate poisonous spiders, like the brown recluse and from your home.



German Cockroaches

  • There are various species of cockroaches present in the world. In Regina and Saskatoon most common specie is German cockroach. These cockroaches are light tan to brown in color and even though they have fully developed wings they do not fly. They are most often identified by the dark parallel lines that run from the back of their heads to their wings. These cockroaches are often found invading kitchens and bathrooms since they prefer a moist living environment.
  • These cockroaches like to hide, feed and breed in food prep areas, kitchen and washrooms and any other area where they can have access to water and food.
  • This specie has capability to reproduce very rapidly. One adult female and its off-springs can grow to over thirty thousand in number in one year.
  • This is a nocturnal insect.
  • Size of adult is ½ Inch and Nymph 1/16 inch
  • Color is light brown
  • Life stages Egg-Nymph-Adult

Are Cockroaches Dangerous?

Cockroaches can bite but typically don’t. They are considered too dangerous but for another reason and that’s because they stop by sewers, dumpsters and trash cans and garbage disposals (along with other suspect areas) before making their way into homes and businesses. Because they pick up dangerous bacteria including Salmonella on their legs, they may introduce health hazards including vomiting, fever, and diarrhea. Their feces and shed skins may also cause serious asthma attack in people and especially in young children and the elderly.

Why Do I Have Roach Problem?

In most cases cockroach infestations are a result of poor sanitation practices. Food items that are left out or not cleaned up from floors, trash areas, etc. are a great food source. In multi-unit buildings, cockroaches can migrate from an infested unit to other units in the building.

DIY Get Rid Of Roaches

That’s a great question and we have the answer give us a shout. Our pest control professionals have the tools, knowledge and experience to address cockroach infestations. We do spray treatment as well as gel and dust treatment to get rid of cockroaches.

Is The Treatment Safe?   

Safetech Pest Control uses the least amount of material as possible while still resolving the problem. We use chemical products, baits and powder means as a form of cockroach treatment whenever possible. We follow very stringent guidelines for the use of the product so that it poses no threat to people or pets. All products are registered by the PMRA. Our service technicians will inform you of any specific safety measures that need to be taken.

How Much Does The Pest Control Service Cost?

The cost of service depends on the level of infestation, amount of clutter and other time consuming factors.

What is The Warranty?

Warranty varies due to the severity and possibility of control. Your service technician will discuss this with you before service.

How Can I Prevent A Cockroach Problem In The Future?

For preventing any facility from cockroach infestation here are a few tips:

  • Spot any cracks or openings in the infested area and seal it.
  • Before bringing in any used furniture or appliances / electronics item make sure these are free from any infestation.
  • Before bringing any groceries, be extra careful you may bring cockroaches from grocery stores with food or packaging.
  • Look for any eggs capsules on any part kitchen cabinets and appliances like refrigerator, oven, microwave and dishwasher.
  • Fix any moisture issues including leaking pipes or appliances, poor ventilation and high humidity areas.
  • Pay close attention to your waste. Trash cans should be covered with tight fitting lids. Do not let dumpsters become surrounded by crates, boxes and trash.
  • Food storage is important! Don’t leave food out on counters but rather store appropriately.

If you have more questions, please call Safetech Pest Control @ (306) 351-2881


Overview And Habits Of Wasps In Regina / Saskatoon      

A paper-carton nest which eventually has 30-55 compartments surrounded by a paper “envelope”. It is made of chewed cellulose by a queen who has overwintered and is ready to lay her eggs, one in each compartment. Eventually there will be a number of paper-like combs attached one below the other and covered with many layers of “paper”. Wasps are social insects that live in colonies. Each colony has a queen that lays the eggs, female workers that do not reproduce and males that come forth in late summer, being reared in the same cells that were earlier used for the workers. Larger cells for rearing queens are built at the end of the season. Mating occurs in fall after newly emerged queens and males leave the nest. Only queens who have mated hibernate and live through the winter. The past season’s queen who built the nest, as well as the workers and the males, all die.

Threats Posed By Wasps

Depending on the species, nests may be built on the ground, or in shrubs, trees, or buildings, such as houses, garages, and sheds. Wasps are beneficial as they eat many pest species, however, they may sting when the nest entrance is approached and can be aggressive, stinging several times.

Wasps Prevention

A professional pest control operator should be contacted to seek out the source, treat nest and remove. Treatment to nest(s) should be performed when adults are surrounding or nearby. Nests quite often can be in wall voids and other gaps and openings in a structure. Such void areas should be treated and cleaned out to prevent other insects from foraging to feed on dead pests in area.

Wasps Control

A highly skilled pest management professional should be enlisted to evaluate the problem activity in order to generate a custom-tailored solution to suit your home or facility. Safetech pest control resolve wasps infestations utilizing a variety of treatment options that are sure to take care of your problem quickly and completely.

Find out how Safetech Pest Control can help you get rid of Wasps and other pests.

Bed Bug

Bed Bug Extermination

The first step to solving any bug problem is proper identification. While your best bet is to call a professional to inspect your home, there are warning signs of bed bugs that you should keep an eye out for. With thin, brown, oval-shaped bodies, these blood-sucking insects can be hard to see with the naked eye. They hide during the day and feed at night, biting exposed skin and leaving uncomfortable red, itchy spots. They can commonly be found:

  • In mattresses, box springs, and bed frames
  • On cloth furniture or bedding
  • Around and under edge of carpet
  • Behind pictures and wall hangings
  • Within switch plates and outlets
  • On clothing, linens, and in drawers

 Signs of Bed Bugs?

The first step to eliminate a bed bug problem is to properly identify the infestation. If you suspect you may have a bed bug infestation, keep an eye out for these signs:

  • Small blood or fecal stains on your sheets and bedding
  • A musty, unusual odor coming from the infected area
  • Small bites on the upper body including neck, arms, and shoulders

Give our office a call today and one of our bed bug experts can be at your home in no time to inspect the infected areas and create the most effective treatment plan possible!


Bed Bug Treatment Experts You Can Trust

A bed bug infestation in your home can be an extremely stressful situation. The good news is our specialists know how to get rid of bed bugs. Our team can inspect your home for bed bugs, recommend treatment options and help prevent the stubborn pests from returning.

Bed bug Treatment in Regina and Saskatoon areas:

  • We have certified expertise in bed bug pest controland know all about how to remove bed bugs.
  • All our technicians are certified and have passed background and drug checks to ensure not only a great job but also providing you added safety.
  • The best bed bug treatmentservices require constant learning of effective methods with implementation, and we adhere to that making us the best.
  • Our methods are the best in the industry with optimal results for our customers.
  • Contact us (306)351 2881 to see how we can help you with bed bug treatment.

Bed Bug Facts and Information

Bed bugs are small insects that usually thrive in beds as well as other areas where people and animals sleep. Parasitic by nature, these insects feed on either animal or human blood and what is most irritating is that they can easily do it without you noticing! Before you know it, bed bugs are sucking the blood out of you like a thief in the night. While bed bugs are active during night time, they are not completely nocturnal types.

Bed bugs are brownish, flattened and small insects that feed on the blood of people and animals. Bed bugs have been around for thousands of years as they are even mentioned in medieval European texts and classical Greek writings back to the age of Aristotle. Adult beg bugs appear similar in size and color to flattened apple seeds when not gorged on blood. They have very thin legs, antennas and wingless. Young bed bugs are similar to their adult counterparts with the exception of being smaller and lighter in color.

Bed Bug Feeding

This information below details bed bug feeding according to research done at the University of Kentucky:

  • Adult bedbugs can survive for at least 6 months without a blood feeding.
  • Bedbugs will nest between 2 – 20 feet away from the host’s sleeping location.
  • Bedbugs are attracted to carbon dioxide (which humans breathe out) and prefer humans over any other host!
  • It takes an average of 15 minutes for a bedbug to fully engorge during a blood meal.
  • Bed bugs like the dark, but will feed during the day if the location is dimly lit (movie theater).
  • Unlike other household pests bedbugs get all their water needs from a blood meal.
  • One female can lay up to 12 eggs a day or 500 over her lifespan. She can also lay eggs for a month after a single mating.
  • Bedbugs will travel up to 100 feet for a feeding opportunity but generally live no more than 2 – 20 feet from the feeding site.

Bedbugs change color and size as they feed on you. Photos courtesy Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University.

Where to look

  • In mattresses, box springs, and bed frames
  • On cloth furniture or bedding
  • Around and under edge of carpet
  • Behind pictures and wall hangings
  • Within switch plates and outlets
  • On clothing, linens, and in drawers

Pre-Bed Bug Treatment

Once you’ve scheduled an appointment for bed bug treatment, there are a few things you’ll want to do beforehand. Taking these steps is an important part of ensuring that bed bugs are eliminated once and for all. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Remove all linens, mattress covers, and pillows from your home. Take these outside (along with your mattresses) and expose them to direct sunlight for several hours.
  2. Wash all contaminated fabrics, including linens, sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers.
  3. Dry clean all fabrics which can’t be washed, including furniture, curtains, and comforters.
  4. Remove clothes from closets and dressers and wash them (preferably with warm water wherever possible).
  5. Using a powerful vacuum cleaner, thoroughly vacuum your entire home. Be sure to pay particular attention to hard-to-reach places such as baseboards, the backs of drawers, and corners.

Post-Bed Bug Treatment

Bed bugs are an incredibly stubborn pest, and total elimination may not be possible with a single treatment. It’s important to follow all of the recommendations provided by your Home Pest Control professional. Depending on the degree of infestation, we may schedule a follow-up visit to determine whether further bed bug treatments are needed.

For more information about bed bug control contact: Safetech Pest Control at (306) 351-2881

Carpenter Ant

Getting Rid Of Ants: How To Eliminate Ants In Your Home

There are lots of pesky bugs out there. Depending on the time of year, you might be dealing with mosquitoes, termites, roaches, or any number of other insects. But of all the bugs that can show up in your home, ants have to be one of the most frustrating to deal with.

The reason is simple. While you might be able to see a line of ants crawling across your counter or through your cupboard, determining where they’ve built their nest and how extensive their colony is can be a real challenge.

Why Are Ants Attracted To Your Home?

There could be any number of reasons why ants might enter your home. More often than not, though, they’re simply out in search of food.

Depending on the species of ant in question, their preferred food source will differ. Some ants are attracted to protein-rich sources of food, while others will find their way into your honey jar or bag of sugar. Either way, it’s common for ants to enter your kitchen and locate food somewhere in your drawers or cupboards.

Once one of the worker ants finds a food source, they return to the colony to inform the other ants. Along the way, they leave a trail of pheromones to mark the path back to the food. This makes it easy for other workers to make trips to and from the food source. Before you know it, you can end up with a massive number of ants coming in and out of your home. And, in some cases, the ants may build a nest somewhere inside your walls, attic, or basement.

DIY Ant Control?

Now that you know why you have ants, you’re likely wondering how to get rid of them. If you want to take the natural approach, there are a number of options available to you.

One way to control ants naturally is to disrupt the pheromone trail that marks the path to and from their food source. This can be done by wiping up the area around the food with citrus, essential oils, and/or vinegar. Sprinkling coffee grounds along their trail can have the same effect.

If the ants have set up a nest inside your home, though, simply disrupting their scent trail is unlikely to get rid of them. Instead, you’ll need to turn to ant traps and baits in order to eliminate the colony.

Ant Traps and Baits

When we hear the phrase “ant trap,” we tend to think of something that actually traps ants inside and prevents them from escaping. However, this isn’t how baits and traps actually work. Instead, ant traps are filled with an insecticide-laden food source and a strong ant attractant. Worker ants take this poisonous food back to the colony, where it’s distributed to workers, larvae, and the queen. In the best case scenario, the entire colony is eliminated.

Unfortunately, ant traps don’t always work. For one thing, placement is important. If the traps aren’t placed in the right spots, the ants in your home won’t find them. In addition, different types of ants are attracted to different kinds of food sources. If you use the wrong trap for the species of ant that you’re dealing with, it’s unlikely to even attract them in the first place. Meanwhile, trying to determine what kind of ants are in your home and which corresponding traps to buy can be a challenge.

Professional Ant Control

While natural ant control, ant traps, and ant baits are all viable options in certain cases, they don’t always work. If you’re wondering how to get rid of ants, the answer is simple: contact an ant control professional. Here at Safetech Pest Control, we have the knowledge and experience necessary to eliminate your ant problem quickly and efficiently. Plus, you can rest assured that our safe, environmentally-friendly methods won’t pose any danger to your family or pets. Ready to get rid of ants right away? Contact Safetech Pest Control today.